Now, however, there are little signs of incipient funkiness cropping up around us. Case in point: the Baca (BAH-cha) Cafe.

Baca, which means "read," calls itself "the Book Lovers Cafe" (in English - a sure sign of trendiness). They have lots of second-hand books you can read while drinking your coffee, or you can buy a membership and borrow books for a fee. The coffee is all instant, which is a little disappointing, but at least it's cheap.

It's a cute place, and given the relatively high price of books here, it deserves to survive. But it's a little out of the way, so I worry about its future. If anyone wants to check it out, it's on Jl. Gelinggang, off Jl. Limboto, just down the block from a little stairway down to Gatot Subroto across from the DPR.
looks cure. might try that one of these days, only not so sure if i could find it...
Ya, it's a little obscure. Might be easiest to get out on Gatot Subroto across from the DPR. There's a little staircase between the BNI bank and the pedestrian bridge. Walk up that and keep going straight down the block, and it'll be on your left.
sounds like a great place !! :)
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